Thursday, May 7, 2020
Movie Analysis V For Vendetta - 2610 Words
History is a widely sought-after subject for movies, and historical films are enjoyed by audiences of all kinds. Being extremely popular as they are, historical films have the ability to be very diverse in the way that history is recreated or used in the adaptation. These films often face criticism, however, of the fact that historical accuracy often gives way to anachronisms in the name of entertainment. Zack Snyder s adaptation of the graphic novel 300, and James McTeigue s adaptation of V for Vendetta are no exceptions to criticisms of historical accuracy. However, while Zack Snyder s 300 is an attempt to recreate history, and does so in a dramatic, stylized, exaggerated, and biased fashion, V for Vendetta echoes history and uses it as a way to enhance the story. Firstly, it is important to note that both 300 and V for Vendetta are adaptations of graphic novels. Thus, any historical inaccuracies committed in the films may have to be credited to the writing of the graphic novels. O n the same note, graphic novels are often more exaggerated, stylized, and dramatic in nature, and certainly cannot be taken for academic textbooks. However, it is still important to examine the ways that both film adaptations use the historical events they are based on, and the way that they either dramatize and glorify the past, such as Zack Snyder does in 300, or the way they use historical events to reiterate and enhance their themes, such as in James McTeigue s V for Vendetta. ToShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of The Movie V For Vendetta Essay1465 Words  | 6 PagesKarla Torres Prof. Couey English 100 April 27, 2016 Friend or a Foe? Alan Moore’s and David Lloyd’s graphic novel, V for Vendetta, makes references to what has taken part in history and what seems to be taking place in contemporary society. 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