Friday, May 22, 2020
Essay about Single Fatherhood - 552 Words
Single Fatherhood Single fathers are a minority. They are rare, but growing rapidly as more and more people can fathom a father being able to satisfy the needs of his children. Single fathers are not given sole custody without a fight. A much harder one than what a Mother would have to endure. Normally, custody is given to the mother. Lately, however, fathers are starting to care more about their childrens best interests, and are begining to fight against the sterotypes society has dealt them. Being the child of a single father, I have heard the stories. For 17 years I have heard the stories. But could society have been so blind? No. The courts could have, though. Statistics I have collected showed that even when both†¦show more content†¦Society seems to have a gap between the image of fathers and the actual role of fathers. Now, the fastest growing family unit in the United States are single fathers with sole custody of children under the age of 18. In 1970, there were 393,000 single fathers with sole custody. That number jumped to 1.9 million in 1996. Of these numbers, 48% are divorced, 28% were never married, 18% were seperated, and 5% are widowed. underlying this gradual shift is the attitude more and more people are taking towards men and womens societal roles. Along with being more career oriented, women are starting to feel less guilty about losing custody to their partner, and are finding that they arent always the more suitable parent. At the same time, men are no longer feeling such a strong need to be defined by their job. Also, fathers fear that once they are divorced, they will rarely see their kids, and do not want to be part-time parents. Father-by-default families are another contributing factor to the shift. In this case, the mothers were either not found, or had drug-addiction or alcohol dependency problems, and child welfare agencies sought the fathers. This is most prominent in poverty stricken families. Single father adoption numbers have jumped significantly as well thanks to gay fathers rights groups, and political pressure from the gay community.Show MoreRelatedThe Responsibilities of Fatherhood Essay1307 Words  | 6 Pagesstatistical data rarely differentiate men who are not fathers from those who are fathers. Again, very little information concerning fatherhood and what fathers want is available to people. Written literature on fatherhood and written accounts about fatherhood from men who are fathers are also relatively rare. There is certainty that the environment around fatherhood has increasingly changed when it comes to domestic domain, employment and breadwinning, the structure of the family an d employment (FNFRead MoreIs The Most Socially Consequential Family Trend Of Our Generation?990 Words  | 4 Pageslisted social issues. 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Thursday, May 7, 2020
Movie Analysis V For Vendetta - 2610 Words
History is a widely sought-after subject for movies, and historical films are enjoyed by audiences of all kinds. Being extremely popular as they are, historical films have the ability to be very diverse in the way that history is recreated or used in the adaptation. These films often face criticism, however, of the fact that historical accuracy often gives way to anachronisms in the name of entertainment. Zack Snyder s adaptation of the graphic novel 300, and James McTeigue s adaptation of V for Vendetta are no exceptions to criticisms of historical accuracy. However, while Zack Snyder s 300 is an attempt to recreate history, and does so in a dramatic, stylized, exaggerated, and biased fashion, V for Vendetta echoes history and uses it as a way to enhance the story. Firstly, it is important to note that both 300 and V for Vendetta are adaptations of graphic novels. Thus, any historical inaccuracies committed in the films may have to be credited to the writing of the graphic novels. O n the same note, graphic novels are often more exaggerated, stylized, and dramatic in nature, and certainly cannot be taken for academic textbooks. However, it is still important to examine the ways that both film adaptations use the historical events they are based on, and the way that they either dramatize and glorify the past, such as Zack Snyder does in 300, or the way they use historical events to reiterate and enhance their themes, such as in James McTeigue s V for Vendetta. ToShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of The Movie V For Vendetta Essay1465 Words  | 6 PagesKarla Torres Prof. Couey English 100 April 27, 2016 Friend or a Foe? Alan Moore’s and David Lloyd’s graphic novel, V for Vendetta, makes references to what has taken part in history and what seems to be taking place in contemporary society. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Candide and Free Will Free Essays
Voltaire’s Candide is a novel that is interspersed with superficial characters and conceptual ideas that are critically exaggerated and satirized. The parody offers cynical themes disguised by mockeries and witticism, and the story itself presents a distinctive outlook on life narrowed to the concept of free will as opposed to blind faith driven by desire for an optimistic outcome. The crucial contrast in the story deals with irrational ideas as taught to Candide about being optimistic by Pangloss, his cheerful mentor, versus reality as viewed by the rest of the world through the eyes of the troubled character, Martin. We will write a custom essay sample on Candide and Free Will or any similar topic only for you Order Now This raises the question of whether or not the notion of free will is valid due to Candide’s peculiar timing of his expression for it. Some readers might think that Voltaire’s novel Candide suggests that belief in free will is absurd. However, a close reading of the text suggests that Voltaire does not deny free will altogether. Candide is in complete control of his actions and ideas during times when an agreeable reality poses not to be enough, which explores Voltaire’s message that true reality is the ability to identify the deficiency of human conventions. Candide’s journey to attain the balance between submitting his will completely to the opinions and actions of others and taking control of his own life through blind faith highlights the notion of free will throughout Voltaire’s novel. Throughout the novel, Voltaire represents mankind as being consumed by immediate personal problems. When the characters of Candide virtually have no troubles or dilemmas, Voltaire illustrates how they do not express their happiness and contentment for it, but rather portray their feelings of boredom and a desire to involve themselves within the complex social constructs of the world. In chapter eighteen when Candide and his valet Cacambo enter the glorious city of El Dorado, Candide expresses the city’s extravagance and how it is incomparable to any other, even when compared to his overvalued Westphalia. Voltaire described â€Å"the public edifices raised as high as the clouds, the market places ornamented with a thousand columns, the fountains of spring water†¦which were paved with a kind of precious stone which gave off a delicious fragrancy like that of cloves and cinnamon†(45) to illustrate the decadence of El Dorado, and how it was virtually a utopia that no man could resist. However, Candide held enough free will within himself by opting to leave the splendor in order to â€Å"recover Miss Cunegonde†(46). This event solidifies some readers’ opinions that belief in free will is absurd, for Candide uses it for irrational and perverse means by hoping for a finer future. El Dorado serves as a symbol to Candide that there is more the world has to offer after having been taught that he was already living in the best of all possible worlds while in Westphalia. The fact that he came across such magnificence paradoxically influenced his choice to leave since he thought he could find better than El Dorado, which demonstrates the faults of human conventions about how Candide could not distinguish between true and optimistic realities when he already had quite possibly the best world right in front of him. Once again, this substantiates readers’ ideas that free will is outlandish and nonsensical. â€Å"If we abide here we shall only be upon a footing with the rest, whereas, if we return to our old world†¦we shall be richer than all the kings in Europe†(46). He is not aware of the ramifications of his actions, of his professed free will, and believes that only good things will come to him as a result of his foolish autonomy. Voltaire presents the characters as having emotional lives that shift between worries and boredom with almost no periods of prolonged happiness. Pangloss’ influence instructs Candide to submit to blind faith that the outcome of all will be well, and that all events happen for a reason. â€Å"It is demonstrable that things cannot be otherwise than as they are; for all being created for an end, all is necessarily for the best end†(1). Under these assumptions Candide says, â€Å"There can be no effect without a cause [†¦] The whole is necessarily concatenated and arranged for the best†(6). This philosophy that everything is fated to be good omits the validity of free will that Candide later claims to have since he is man and therefore above the animal world, because no matter what man does in part to shape the entirety of his future, Candide was taught that the outcome is predestined to yield an optimistic and hopeful reality. The belief that everything happens for a reason and where the reason is good is incompatible with the act of free will. Therefore, any efforts of free will are futile because they cannot change the predetermined outcome, making its concept essentially nonexistent. This logical cycle strengthens and endorses readers’ ideas that free will is incongruous with faith. Candide is a naive character that is in complete control of his ideas and actions despite the influence from others. In chapter two when he is captured by Bulgarians and given the choice between death and running the gauntlet, he groundlessly uses his free will to receive an intense degree of torture and anguish. He was asked which he would like the best, to be whipped six-and-thirty times through all the regiment, or to receive at once twelve balls of lead in his brain. He vainly said that human will is free, and that he chose neither the one nor the other†(4). Candide tries to argue that having free will meant not having to choose, because being a human retaining that free will meant he had the choice not to make a choice. How ever, his attempts are thwarted when he is forced to make a decision for his fate, where â€Å"he determined, in virtue of that gift of God called liberty, to run the gauntlet six-and-thirty times. He bore this twice†(4). During a time when death clearly presented itself as the unusual superior choice, Candide foolishly picked the lesser of the two options. By choosing â€Å"four thousand strokes, which laid bare all his muscles and nerves, from the nape of his neck quite down to his rump†(4), Voltaire proves to readers that having free will is an absurd notion. He reinforces readers’ ideas that preserving belief for free will only leads to self-destruction due to Candide’s imprudent use and inappropriate application of it. Voltaire’s Martin provides a slightly more realistic albeit largely negative slant of the world that readers can more easily identify with. Martin says that the world has been formed â€Å"to plague us to death†and that â€Å"it is a chaos – a confused multitude, where everybody seeks pleasure and scarcely any one finds it†(54-55). In chapter 21, Candide asks Martin if he believes â€Å"that men have always massacred each other as they do to-day, that they have always been liars, cheats, traitors, ingrates, brigands, idiots, thieves, scoundrels, gluttons, drunkards, misers, envious, ambitious, bloody-minded, calumniators, debauches, fanatics, hypocrites, and fools†(55). Martin is deeply struck with pessimism, feeling the world is doomed to evil and destruction, and responds with a valid question as an answer: â€Å"Do you believe hawks have always eaten pigeons when they have found them? †(55) Martin’s insight to the fixed cycle of nature demonstrates how he perceives man’s nature to be just like one of beasts. Candide firmly counters and says â€Å"there is a vast deal of difference, for free will†(55) Candide, though easily influenced, senses that there is something more which exists between the contrasting worlds that both Pangloss and Martin have presented to him, which is free will. However, this claim is inconsistent with his belief that blind faith is the key to an optimistic reality, because once again, faith and free will are concepts that counteract and negate each other. At this point, readers’ opinions that free will is a meaningless and hollow notion is underpinned because of the fact that it is the only aspect that Candide cares to explore as the sole difference between man and animal that ultimately proves to be insignificant since man does not use it wisely or properly. In chapter two, Voltaire describes how â€Å"it was a privilege of the human as well as the animal species to make use of their legs as they pleased†to justify going for a walk (4). Here, Candide states that animals in fact have their own will to walk, which contradicts what he says to Martin in chapter 21on the discussion about what differentiates man from animal. Throughout Voltaire’s satirical novel Candide, readers are exposed to the two major themes regarding fate and free will, and how each belief is exemplified through various hollow characters such as Pangloss, Candide, and Martin. Candide frequently wavers between the two beliefs, and Voltaire ultimately comes to the conclusion that people have free will and must shape their own future based on their actions in the present rather than pursuing the idea that blind faith driven by desire will lead to optimistic results. In the end, Candide achieves equilibrium by accepting that he must exist between spiritual devotion and unpredictability through free will, when he says, â€Å"we must cultivate our garden,†as Voltaire famously declares in the ultimate chapter (87). This seemingly superficial parody engages the reader and makes them reflect about whether or not free will is actually free will and what aspect of Candide is in control of it. Readers perceive how human nature is incapable of constant happiness because of how desire handicaps free will, and are ultimately made aware of how Candide must create his own reality based on action rather than blind faith. How to cite Candide and Free Will, Papers
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