Thursday, March 19, 2020
Human Factor Essays
Human Factor Essays Human Factor Essay Human Factor Essay 1: With reference to the dirty dozen, describe the different types of human limitations that can affect human performance (P3) Stress is one of the limitations which can reduce human performance because when an engineer do a long shift he will get very stress and at that time the engineer tent to make mistakes for example forgetting to put a nut back. And Memory limitations is one of the human limitation which can cause engineer to forget thing for example living a tool on the aircraft wing this mistake frequently happens because these information will be saved in short term memory which can only last for few seconds. Poor communication can reduce human performance as well because when a team of engineers work to gather and they dont communicate each other properly the outcome of the work would be very bad or even dangerous because they may think the other person did this job so I dont need to do it and ignoring it. And if they cant communicate properly they may not understand the work properly and they may do something differently to the set task. Lack of resources is one of the things which can limit human performance because human cant do some work without the right tool and most of the time humans truest there tool to do the job for example putting a right force on a screw and if they dont have the right resources they cant perform normally. Humans tend to become bored and be lulled into complacency this can reduce human performance because this can reduce the awareness of emergency situation and may even cause them to make more mistakes in an emergency. Pressure can also reduce the human performance because when a person is under pressure he tent do a very bad job and he will do the job faster and inaccurately to get rid of the pressure. Lack of teamwork can affect the human performance because when a team of engineer working together to fix a problem they need to discuss and perform some checklist at same time or by continuing from the point where the other person finished the job but if they dont communicate or get to know each other or they dont do as a team work they will not get the job done properly or on time. 2. Explain how human behaviour can affect human performance (P4) If a person is under stress or pressure or if he is tired or angry he tent to produce a poor quality work because he cant be focused on the work and he tent to forget things very easily when the person is under stress or tired, and if the person is tired or not felling normal his attention will not be focused on the work and it will be on something else which will slow the working performance as well as poor out come. 3. Using examples describe the differences between error and violation. (P5) Error is a mistake we make and we dont know we are doing that which goes through intensely but violation is a mistake we do and we know we are doing a mistake and its something we do it deliberately. 4. Describe some the methods that can be used to prevent errors, explain the importance of error prevention, capturing and reporting. To include duplicate inspections, calibration of tools and one reporting method. (P6) Some of the methods that can be used to prevent errors are by giving the employees a good training and by limiting the amount of time a person can work for example 48 hours which is already controlled by EU working directive but still a person can work overtime so by restricting this time limit error can be prevented. Also by doing the duplicate inspecting we prevent error occurring which I mean by asking another engineer to check your finished work he can spot any part which you missed out. And also by calibrating the tools on time or two three days before the expiring date you can reduce the risk of over tighten the nut or damaging the aircraft. Its very important to prevent error happening again and again because minor error can cause major distraction for example it can cause delays which can cost the company 1000 of pounds or it can cause disaster by I mean it can bring down the aircraft when its flying and can cause lots of deaths and casualties and it can also destroy the aircraft completely which can cost the company billions of pounds. If you spot a problem or damage to an aircraft you should fill up a MOR (Mandatory Occurrence Reporting) and you need to send it off to CAA and if its something dangerous you should tell the company and try to convince them not to fly the aircraft. By reporting this to CAA you will reduce the problem occurring again and also you can keep the record for statistics purpose and safety purpose so in future it can be used to improve the air safety.
Tuesday, March 3, 2020
Get your financial life in order before the new year
Get your financial life in order before the new year Are you finally ready to get your financial health in better shape? If so, then you’re thinking wisely, because it’s never too soon to start taking your relationship with money more seriously and plan for your future- like it or not, it’s going to come eventually, and those who prepare for it in advance will be ready to face it responsibly and with as little anxiety as possible. For most of us, the future can be an uncertain entity- what our professional and personal lives will look like as the months, years, and decades roll forward can be difficult to predict, and unexpected twists and turns along the way can derail our plans and force us to revise our goals along the way. This uncertainly can cause a great deal of stress, so it makes sense to have as much under our control and working in our favor as possible. Having a financial safety net of sorts to help see us through is obviously beneficial.Have we convinced you that it’s a good idea to start gettin g your financial life in order? If so, then keep reading, and consider using the following strategies to get you started on the right path.Get seriousOne of the most important aspects of getting yourself in good financial shape is to get in the proper mindset for doing so. Like most endeavors in life that require a change in behavior and extended displays of discipline, being in the right mental space at the onset, during the critical first steps, is an essential ingredient for success.So, in order to get started with the right attitude and mindset, try making a list of goals for getting your life in financial order. Both short- and long-term goals are fair game here. Do you want to pay back a loan or reduce your debt? Do you want to make a significant purchase sometime in the future that you want to be in better financial shape for, like a car or home? Are you preparing for a major life change, like a move or starting a family? Having a set of tangible (and achievable!) goals on yo ur radar can help you get in the right mindset for making smart financial decisions- both now and over the long haul. The truth is, sometimes it takes having a destination in your sights to make it through a long journey.Start smallFor most of us, we can’t simply buy our way to financial freedom- it’s more of a long, hard road than a quick sprint, and it’s a journey that often never has a definitive end. So, think of your initial move to get your financial life in order as a series of small steps in the right direction. Even if they don’t completely change your life in an instant, they’ll get you moving in the right direction and will help you develop fiscally responsible behaviors, build on your positive inertia, and bolster your mindset and discipline.Think of some small ways you can get started- perhaps save a little bit of money each week from each paycheck or find a few ways you can earn some extra money (a part-time job or selling some of you r unwanted stuff are great ideas). You can also try eliminating some unnecessary expenses in your life. Don’t look back- like any great journey, getting on the road to financial order begins with a single step.Get helpOne of the really nice things about getting your financial life in order these days is that there are more tools than ever before to help you stay on track. An army of app developers have devoted their efforts to creating financial planning, organizing, and saving tools that can help you get your finances in order and hit all of your money milestones along your path to financial freedom. A little Internet research to discover the latest and greatest apps that best meet your needs is time well spent. Many available apps are free or low cost, so testing some out and discovering the ones that work well for you through trial and error won’t be a monumental investment.You can also turn to friends and family for help- the truth is, having the important people i n our lives helping to keep us motivated can mean the difference between success and failure in a challenging situation. So, let your friends and family know about your financial plans, fill them in on how they can help, and use their support to achieve your goals.Getting your life in financial order may not be easy, and you may stumble and restart at times along the way, but it’s a journey worth taking, and one that’s best to start early. Use the advice and strategies presented here to help get you moving in the right direction when it comes to your money and finances.
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